Unleash your team's collective intelligence with AI

You can’t predict the future, but you can activate and develop your organization’s thinking skills to create the future. We help organizations to adapt and stay ahead in continuous change by developing team thinking skills, structure agile learning, and build together a unique knowledge base - at scale with the help of AI.

Traditionally thinking is not seen as a task. Therefore, thinking skills aren’t trained and most companies don’t invest enough in building critically needed thinking skills, even though it’s shown that those who think better, outperform the competition.

Busy people avoid thinking and want quick answers to achieve their goals. CoPilot, ChatGPT and Google are every day, yet those provide answers that are the same as for everyone else. That is why we want to help organizations think smarter, faster, and innovative as a key part of their daily work.

Our scientifically proven thinking framework enables everyone to reach their full potential and make work meaningful. We develop the thinking skills in real work challenges so that your team understands both how to apply them right away, and why it matters.

Proven AI-supported thinking & learning solutions

Connected learning through real cases for effectiveness.

Cross-functional team expertise and synergy for sustainable solutions.

Enhanced skills for ongoing business growth and work wellbeing.

Stronger social connections for meaningful change and knowledge sharing.


According to the World Economic Forum

Thinking skills keep top places and have highest importance in future skills needs.

Read more from The Future of Jobs Report

  • “Impressed by approach and attitude."

    “I was immediately impressed by Mari’s approach and attitude. As we wanted to maximize the development of our new service, I decided to use her services for her fearless attitude to enter and question complex topics. She co-created with the team a design and implementation of an essential function for our new program.

    Not only she exceeded our needs and objectives, but she added an entirely new level of insight into the project using her exceptional style to advance and merge knowledge. She has transferred practical knowledge and skills to my team and our progress has been greater and results stronger because of her contribution.”

    – Client, Crafting New Value Propositions

  • 85% Say that they had a shift in their thinking and perspectives

    –Emerging Leaders

  • 77% Found value in understanding the big picture better

    -Emerging Leaders

  • "Enriching and inspiring experience for faculty members."

    “The training proved to be an enriching and inspiring experience for faculty members. It facilitated meaningful interactions among lecturers through the exploration of diverse teaching methods and the exchange of innovative ideas.

    The sessions encouraged educators to be more creative, step outside their comfort zones, and think "outside the box" in order to implement student-centered approaches when teaching. This training also fostered a supportive environment where lecturers could draw inspiration from one another.”

    –Client, Enhancing Value Proposition Delivery


How could AI help in thinking skills development?

What if the key to maximizing your team's potential isn't more training, but bringing in a new team member, one that is not human? Meet Aika.

With the Innovation Voucher from Business Finland, we are researching solutions on how we can use AI to develop thinking skills in businesses.

Aika is an AI Team Member. Image and voice created by Azure AI.

Upcoming events

  • HENRY Ry Webinaari: Ajattelutaidot – organisaatiosi salainen ase muutoksessa

    30.10.2024 klo 16:30 - 18:00

    Työelämässä ei ole aikaa syvälliselle ajattelulle. Rutiinitöiden automatisoituessatulevaisuuden työssä pitää kuitenkin osata ajatella suuresti, ratkaista monimutkaisia ongelmia ja luoda uutta tietoa yhteistyössä. On tärkeää saada organisaation tiimit vaikuttavaan vuorovaikutukseen niin, että ne eivät vain jaa tietoa, vaan luovat yhdessä uusia toimintatapoja ja ratkaisuja.

    Vain HENRYn jäsenille.

  • Webinar: Why rethinking thinking is key to business success

    6.11.2024 klo 9:00-10:00

    In this session, we break down why traditional thinking approaches are no longer enough. In a world where tasks are being automated, weneed teams to activate and develop strategic, future-focused thinking skills that transform how they approach their new work landscape.

    This webinar is for anyone interested in knowing more about thinking skills and their importance for organizations.

  • Webinar: Activate Your Thinking Skills

    12.11.2024 9:00-10:00

    In this interactive webinar, you’ll tap into your creative and critical thinking abilities, helping you move from unfocused thinking to structured productivity. With AI-driven insights, we’ll show you how to maximize your potential by applying effective thinking techniques to your everyday work.

    This webinar is for anyone interested in trying out deep thinking skills and understanding how we can make our thinking more productive.